Trying to decide

So I have been researching ways to be an advocate in some way. I feel as if I have been thru a lot and I love to help people so it would make sense to combine them to be able to do more.

But then I get stuck in this spot of realizing that I am also highly emotional in certain situations. The things that have rocked my world the most tend to bring forth more emotional responses.

So how does one find the middle line?

7 thoughts on “Trying to decide

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  1. Middle line??? Trial and error? Run some thoughts past a friend whom you feel can give you unbiased feedback. Sometimes you just have to throw it out there and see what the responses will be.

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  2. I understand your lot. I am a hypersensitive person striving to not be as much so. Lizards help me feel better:) I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up, not getting younger here. I presume you would be a good helper in any way. I hope you find (or it finds you), that helpful avenue that makes you happy.

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